Friday, November 25, 2011

PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MOTHER...Need advice on how to have a relationship with her...?

She's 64...a classic text book case Passive Aggressive woman. I recently set up strict, clear boundaries with her regarding calling me and coming over without calling, just to ';see her grandchildren, just bringing over some candy';.

Anyone of you have a P/A Mother? Please share coping ideas with me! Thanks in advance!PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MOTHER...Need advice on how to have a relationship with her...?
I thought everybody had a PA mom! I moved 182 miles away. Now I call and visit on the holidays (which requires a lot of napping afterwards ;) I'm 60 and she still calls to make sure I don't put my hand in the microwave...I'm still trying to figure out why the heck she thinks I'd cut it off and put it in the microwave...Wouldn't you think it would bother her more that I'd cut off my hand?...Sorry a little off topic. Anyway, moving stopped the problem for me. Caller ID helps a lot too.PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MOTHER...Need advice on how to have a relationship with her...?
Midnight!! OMG I think I'd start hiding in the closet! Let me know if you need packing tips ;)

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i have a similar situation, well really my sister did.....

she divorced her abusive husband and re-married well. then they moved out of state and 45 minutes away. set her off to no end....and took care of the problem.

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