She's 15 and they diagnosed her with a very bad form of liver cancer and said the odds do not look good if they do not start aggressive treatment. Tomorrow they are shipping us out to a children hospital 3 hours away, Her dad is a cournal in the air force and is flying back right away in two days. He it torn to pieces as well as I am too. I need advice on how to act around my daughter with cancer and help her not be so scared but it's hard because I am terrified. She is very popular and social and always is out and I don't know how she will handle being in the hospiital because they said she will be in there for awhile. So how do I help her out and tell her this is best for her and that she is going to be ok. I'm so upset. I need advice on how to raise a teenager with cancer.Advice: Mother of a child that just got diagnosed with cancer need advice on how to raise a child with cancer?
You raise her the best way you know how.
Her life is going to be put on hold, so approach it that way. She has to go to doctors and hospitals and treatments and God knows what else. Just be with her as much as you can, love her as much as you can, don't let her get sassy with you when she feels likeshit, and just do your best.
And respect her wishes. Liver cancer is a tough one....there is no set chart on this course that you and your family have to endure. Take each moment as it comes and live it.
My thoughts are with you.Advice: Mother of a child that just got diagnosed with cancer need advice on how to raise a child with cancer?
turn to God
I want to let you know, and this may come across as good or bad, but odds literally don't mean anything. There is always that chance she could be on the winning side, or the losing side. My cousin had one in a million odds of surviving liver cancer and he lived. My husband's nephew had a 9/10 chance of living and died. Odds that doctors give, you can't let them bring you down.
I have never had this situation. I am sure that if you educate yourself and your daughter, she will come to terms too, that now is about survival, not social time. Perhaps, if she doesn't already have one, get a texting plan on her phone so she can stay in touch with friends.
Here is a link to sources you might need :鈥?/a>
Best of luck, you're in my prayers
I'm only 18 and have family members live and die with cancer...
The way I would want my mother to handle it is probably to know that she cares and is concerned, but not be too overbearing. Teenagers can think the wrong thing. If you pull away too much she will think that you don't care, if you are too clingy and sad she will get upset and maybe rebel a little.
Be strong for her. Let her know that you are there for her and ask her how she is doing every once in a while. Let her know that if she needs anything she can come to you. A teddy bear is always a nice gesture. She is vulnerable right now, like she was when she was a child. This will remind her of her childhood and happier times and at the same time she will know that you are always there and want her to be comfortable.
Don't tell her that she will be okay, I'm sorry to say this at such a difficult time, but, you don't know that. False hope won't make anyone feel better. Try instead to tell her that you love her and that you will be waiting for her when she gets out (whether she is gone for days without you, or is just going to another room for chemo).
Let her know that you are sad, but try not to cry too much. It sounds like she has already had a very happy life and if for some reason things don't turn out as planned, you don't want yours or her last memory of each other to be while crying. Be strong for her and I send you my wishes.
If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to email me.
I'm sorry. I was a Big Brother mentor and one of the kids i mentored was sick with cancer as well. I also adopted a boy who's back was all misaligned and had to go through several surgeries so i know the pain of having to watch kids in pain its awful. You need to stay positive you have to as hard as it is. Its the most important thing. And concentrating on that will help you deal. She is old enough to understand whats going on, and shes also at the point she wants to enjoy her teen years. Try to fill them in by listening to music with her during treatments, reading magazines with her, just help distract her a little but also show her you are open to talking about this. Its going to be a long journey but its not a death sentence. I actually had stomach cancer and i got through it. My friends came over and we kinda kept it light snuk in beer for me LOL, (dont do that though), the nurses would complain we were too loud cause it would be like a party in there. Talk to other patients too they can help. The medications and everything will be the toughest thing, please try to not lose your sense of humor either, i know that sounds hard but you gotta keep it happy for her. i'm sorry to hear about that.
Remain strong. Keep things as normal as possible with your daughter. Also, ask your daughter's doctor if there are any support groups you can attend where you can talk with other parents. Your daughter will meet other children in the hospital who can help support her during this difficult time.
Since you mention that she is social, make sure your daughter's friends get the address of the hospital she is staying at so they can write her letters. Hearing from her friends will cheer her up. If your daughter is willing, offer to drive a few of her friends to the hospital to see her. Doing small things, like bringing her a batch of her favorite cookies, will also cheer her up.
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