over the year me and my mothers realationship has gotten worse and worse its too the point were i wouldnt mind not speaking to her . me and her always fight about the stupidest things but i admit mainly its my fault and i ask for due to my lazy ness but om 19 work a full tyme job and still have to take care of my grandmother who lives with us. i am more then happy to move out but i cant just leave my grandmother. i live downstairs and i pay her rent money plus gas up her car and she still treats me like im 14 she still wants to know were im going and to check in with her i dont mind most of the tyme but jesus i would just liek one tyme tell her im going out and she just says ok that one little word but no i dont know what to do here i meen she pretty much lives off me she has a job too but im the bread winner i need help to cope with her srry if i kida drug thisoen out this message kinda helpd me vent a littleAdvice mother son realationship?
please use spell check next time .as long as your not on your own you must put up with stuff.it may be time for you to grow on your own .good luck and i was married had my own place a 19 still married to her and i am 47 now get on with your life .Advice mother son realationship?
Your mom is just being motherly. She only cares about you and wants the best for you. That's why she asks so many questions. Shes probably also afraid because you are growing up and shes afraid of letting you go. She probably wouldn't know what to do with herself, once you do move out. Also it could be a control issue. Some people thrive off of that.
One day you'll appreciate the concern your mother has for you. Even at 19 your still vulnerable to making mistakes and i'm sure she's just concerned about your best interests. Why not sit down and have a talk with her and let her know the concerns you have and let her explain hers to you. Open communication about your feelings will better open her eyes and may be a relief to her and maybe she can relax a bit. Good parents like to know what their children are doing so they can guide them into making good decisions. I thought I knew it all at 19 but I'm definitely glad that my Mom stayed in my Business and gave me guidance. Good Luck
Then move out and that will solve most of it.
Hi. My son is 19 also. You sound like your really under a lot of stress. I can't imagine being in your position. Kind of like between a rock and a hard place, huh? Sounds like your Mom is very dependant on you. I was a single parent w/my son, and I continually tried to bite my tongue regarding his freedom. I found out that I started treating him more critically as he got older because I was trying to teach him all these ';life lessons';.
I know it's hard to express yourself to her, well, cause your not a girl (LOL) but maybe you should try something like ';Mom, I know your curious about what I'm doing, but you've got to let it go. I have to feel like I have some freedom, or I'll go crazy';
OK, so she says crazy? I'll show you crazy! I've been crazy for years!!!!! And so on........
But that's kind of it. Tell her how to be a better Mom when you and her are both calm and actually getting along. Tell her you need her help. We eat that up. Do it when she's not running around, when she's not aggravated (your turn to be patient) and she's in a good mood w/you.
Tell her you are doing your best, but you would like her to be more supportive. You are very young for the type of responsibility you have. Don't get discouraged. You will get yours. Maybe there are things in your future that will require you to have more patience and understanding than the usual person needs. Just know in your heart that you are doing the best you can. Sometimes that has to be enough. My heart goes out to you. Good Luck.
Talk to your mom about the way you feel. Tell her that if things don't change that you will be getting your own place, you can still go over and care for your grandmother without having to live there. I take care of my grandmother too when my mother is working and I live a few miles away. I also have a husband and two children to care for at the same time.
She needs to be reminded that you are grown now. if you are paying rent and utilities and then some you should not have to answer to her anymore and she needs to respect you and of course you need to respect her too.
good luck
Asking when you'll be back is not really unreasonable.
Moving out would be completely over-reacting.
People you live with will always need to know when to expect you home, whether a wife, girlfriend, mother, or even just platonic roommate so they won't worry about you and so they can plan their time in the home. Just holler out you'll be home by 10 or whatever. Even if you make up a story about what you're doing it is better than leaving them hanging completely clueless.
Oh, and stop treating her like your waitress.
It's a hard habit to break, but when you do I can guarantee you your relationship will improve.
You sound like a good kid.
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