Don't lend any money you can't afford to lose... If you ever lend money always act as if you will never get it back then you won't be feeling sorry that your money is gone.What's the best advice your mother ever gave you?
Be independent, rely on no one but yourself. Always have enough money in the bank for a rainy day.
Take care of your only have one.
Love yourself.....before you try to love another.....
and the last one that I remember most from high school....
Kissing is good and you'll really enjoy it....but once you start know that its so good that it could really hurt everything...........and then she listed what could happen......
Scared me from leaving 1st we all know that kissing is
Best wishes
Brush and floss your teeth twice each day. You'd be surprised at the number of our population that ignores this advice, and has dentures or health issues because of it. Silly, but sooooooo true!
';Don't be like me'; (my moms a MEAN alcoholic.) ADVICE TAKEN!
My grandmother told me ';Never forget about our tradition.'; (She's traditional)
';Don't have kids!'; My brothers girlfriend..referring to my neices and nephews (meanie!)
sometimes there is no nice way to say it. sorry mom.
Humm. My friends dad told him once, ';Son, the secret to driving drunk is to not pay attention to the yellow line, it makes you confused.';
My mom's best advice: Cut your hair, you look like a hippy. I do that, spike it up, attract girls like mad. Now if only I could make a move on a girl...
never married
For all the single ones out there looking for romance:
men suck ***
When in doubt, do without.
So far? To dump my ex-boyfirend. Good luck in all you do!
Don't ever give a guy ,you dont trust, your heart
Always wear clean underwear, you never know when you could get into an accident and have to be rushed to the hospital. then everyone will see how hygenic you are.
get your hand out of your pants..
Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don't let them take you ALIVE.
My mom didn't really say it but I learned it through how she lived: As long as you are strong and believe in yourself, you will be able to make it through anything.
Oh but she did always tell me when I was sick or after I hurt my self: ';Don't focus on the pain. Just think about how good it will feel when it stops hurting...';
marry an orphan and move a 100 miles away from where you grew up
Be careful!
do what u want to do as long as your happy
I don't realy remember what she be saying to me.
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