Don't be afraid to ask your visitors to help...and sleep when the baby sleeps...As a parent, what is your best tip / advice for a new mother?
Follow your heart - do what you instinctively feel is right for you %26amp; for your family. It *is* good to research, to think about what you do, to try out new ideas %26amp; see if they'll work for you - but - don't feel pressured to do anything that doesn't feel right to you.
Also - Let baby's dad learn to parent along with you. Don't discourage him any more than you would want him to discourage you. He will make mistakes. You will make them, too. Support each other %26amp; enjoy the challenges of parenting together.As a parent, what is your best tip / advice for a new mother?
dont believe what other people tell u do ur own thing u are going to make mistakes but everbody does,and sleep when the baby does and never put ur baby to sleep with u in the same bed we made that mistake and we still have our 22 month old with us and we cant get him out
Relax, and ask for help when you need it. But, trust your instincts. You, not the latest book, your neighbor, your mother, the ladies at the church..... You are your child's mother.
Also, something I struggle with still: Don't worry about the house, the car, the cooking..... You can be super wife/mom/etc. when your children are all out of diapers and dressing themselves, maybe even off to college.
Don't overreact--babies cry, they sometimes go a couple of days without pooping, you don't need to wake them up and feed them or force them to sleep--they'll develop their own schedules, and a 100 degree temperature is not a fever.
Make sure to keep a routine. Nothing sends babies into a tizzy faster than inconsistency. Feedings, nap time, bedtime...etc...
Other than that...just enjoy your baby...they grow up VERY fast. My kids are 24 and 21 now...and I honestly don't know where the time went...(sigh)...
ASK FOR HELP....ITS OKAY!!! Take plenty of rest, eat and sleep well and just thank heavens for the greatest wonder in your life....your baby!!!
cherish all the moments when they are little, get everything on camcorder,,,it is so much better to remember with sound and a visual!!
Don't freak out about everything. Pick your battles and enjoy every second with your baby b/c they really do grow up so fast!
Being a mother is one of the most important jobs you will ever have, but that doesn't mean you must feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Try to sleep as often as possible. And remember that everyone needs a break from time to time, don't feel guilty if you just need some time to yourself it doesn't make you a bad parent it just makes you normal :) Good luck
A lot of good advice on here.
My advice would be trust your instincts; everyone will have their own idea or opinion, but you're Mom, go with your gut.
Seek help when you need it, but remember that ultimately you are the Mom and it's your decision.
It's not the time outs or spankings that improve behavior, it's the talks that you have afterwards that make all the difference.
be very patient, and be very resourcefull, if you have concerns about your baby read about it or ask a doc. also be aware of all the changes your baby goes through so that you won't be alarmed at whats happening. GIVE A LOT OF LOVE !! they need to feel it.
A baby won't cry himself to death. If you need a break, set your infant in his crib, shut the door and go to a quiet room until you get your composure. Once you're ';refreshed'; go back and calm you baby.
Get plenty of rest, don't be scared to ask for help, and don't worry you will get in a routine before you know it.
Everyone told me to make sure I rest when I can, and I was never able too.. I would find myself watching and snuggling with my newborn. Sooner or later it caught up with me and I had a huge meltdown. Thank GOD my mom was here to help my husband with the baby. It lasted one night and I slept for like 9 hours, only waking to feed the baby.
If anyone offers you help.. take it. Dont feel like you wont need it because you will. Just make sure when they ask what they can do you offer them things like cooking, cleaning shopping etc. you stick to taking care of your baby.
Also.. do yourself a favor and make sure your pediatrician has after hour call backs or a doctor on call so that you can always have your questions answered. Dont rely to much on what you read.... and dont go to others for answers CALL your pediatrician you pay them for a reason and they are here to answer all of your questions.. even if they seem dumb or seem as though you ask a lot... they are used to it!
be patient with the baby.. but be patient with yourself and your spouse. this is a learning experience and you will never be able to imagine how quick it goes by!
Enjoy every moment and write everything down! Take LOTS of pictures and try to make memories out of every situation so that you can always remember this precious time.
Teach your baby to go down to sleep awake. Do not nurse/feed to sleep. Its so much easier in the long run
Sometimes babies just need to cry. When you have done everything you can, and nothing works, sometimes they just need to cry it out.
If your motherly instincts is telling u something's wrong- SOMETHING IS WRONG
Don't try to wait with anything that seems not normal, call the dr right away, dont' worry they won't think of u as a freaky and paniky mother, they see u as a caring and loving mother who cares about her child.
I've learned, I'd asked my mom 'gee what could be wrong I feel like there's something wrong with my son' she'd say dont' worry this is normal, and it wasn't so I learned, from now on I feel something's not right, I call the Dr or go to ER, better safe then sorry
Good luck, and Congrats to the new mommy!! Take care!
if you havent already had your baby i can tell you that there is nothing i can say to prepare you for this - because its hugh and the following points will only be relevant to you as you are experiencing being a new mum.
1. rest/sleep when your baby does,
2. don't be afraid to let your baby cry a little, it wont harm them
3.remember that your life is going to change and that you are going to be shocked a little as to how much time they take up but give in quickly and you will soon learn your babies needs and
4. get into a routine which is important for you and baby
5. you may be reluctant to recieve help at first but dont be you need to rest and people know what its like and how hard it is and thats why they offer
6. get hubby to take care of you thats what hes there for - all the chores and cooking should be done by him, you concentrate on nursing the baby
7. eat well (hubbys job again) as you burn an extra 500 calories whilst bf and drink plenty too.
8. enjoy your baby they grow up so fast - dont wish their wee lifes away
It's good to give baby a warm bath and warm bottle before bedtime. It will make him/her easier to fall asleep.
Be goofy with your baby sometimes...children remind us that it's okay to be a little silly.
Sit baby up in front of PBS Kids. All I can say about that one is my son skipped up a grade and I had him in his chair when I had to do the dishes or some light chores.
Don't let your child mess up your place after you just organized it. Take them to the park to play. Close off/lock door of the rooms that you tidied up if possible. It can be draining to constantly have to pick up after a toddler taking everything out of drawers and off of shelves.
Always have a little snack or juice with you when you are traveling on public transportation. Sometimes people might be eating a snack and your child might realize that he/she wants a snack too.
--Enjoy every moment, b/c especially in the first few months, it goes by SO fast (due to sleep deprivation, worry, concern, and being busy).
--Don't be ashamed about taking the time to recover. Don't let anyone let you think you're ';taking too much time.';
--Take a lot of pictures.
--Try not to get overwhelmed by the responsibility. Especially, if you're a single Mother. The task can be daunting, but worth every minute.
--Save money as soon as you find out you're pregnant. Hold on to it for dear life. Things come up. And, it's the little things that add up.
--Work your A*S off at work, and get those promotions, bonuses, etc.....
--Have a lot of receiving blankets, hats, bigs, pacifiers, bottles, wipes, and diapers handy.
--Invest in a good baby bath for infants. It makes life a lot easier.
--Listen to your baby.
--Keep your cool.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!
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