When should I start feeding her baby cereal?
How much milk should I feed her now? (oz's)
When should I give up her binky?
How do i get rid of Cradle Cap?
How much sleep should she have a day?
Any more advice.New Mother Needs Advice?
dont put any lotion on her shes too young.
most people start foods at 6 months but you dont have to
I breastfeed on demand so we dont measure ozs
preferably before she starts high school;
my child never had it so IDK
at this age she should pretty much be sleeping all the timeNew Mother Needs Advice?
- Don't use lotion, this is normal for newborns. That skin will peel off and then she will have nice soft skin. I think it takes a week or two.
- cereal - start at 4-6 months (ideally 6). Earlier can cause digestive problems and increased chance of allergies.
- Why not breastfeed? Just feed her on demand, whenever she is hungry. That is probably every 1-2 hours.
- I use a binky only at night because it helps to prevent SIDS. you have to take it away by 2 years.
- 2 days old and she has cradle cap already? I would not treat it, she's too young to be putting a bunch of stuff on her and you cannot bathe her in water until the stump falls off. later, you can use a little baby oil and then shampoo well. You can't wash her well enough to get the oil off until she gets a real bath, so don't try it early.
- She should sleep as much as she wants to sleep. She won't be on any kind of schedule for at least a couple of months. Just don't let people keep her awake when she tries to sleep.
I agree with the advice of not using lotion right now. If you are bathing her, don't use soap! It dries out her skin. When you do start bathing her, if you are not now, only use soap every other day or something like that. She won't be dirty. It'll help her skin stay moisturized.
I also agree with those who say don't use cereal until 4-6 months. I know a lot of people use it earlier for different reason. I feel unless you need to because of things like acid reflux, don't. It can upset their tummy because baby tummys are not made to digest anything other than breast milk/formula.
With the paci, it just depends. As a newborn, a baby will have problems keeping it in their mouth, so if you use it, you'll just have to put it in their mouth a lot. My son didn't start using one until 7 weeks old.
Cradle cap doesn't really need to be treated but if you feel like you HAVE to do something, try brushing her scalp with a soft brush. You can also use a small amount of olive oil and rub it in her head.
She should be sleeping at least 16 hours a day, maybe more.
No lotion. This is just the change of environment it will go away.
Baby cereal at 6 month, a little earlier if necessary, means if she gets hungry too often.
Milk I don't know, I only breastfeed. So besides that nothing.
Does she need a binky at all?? Try if she can go without one. Than you can try after about 3 month or if you and her got used to it and she uses it a lot you can wait. Some children are a year some are 4 years old before they give it up. You will have to wait and see.
Sleep. Well just let her sleep when she is tired, at the moment at least.
More advice: Relax, babies don't break. Go and sleep or get some rest, while she is sleeping. Breastfeed as much and as long as possible. Trust your feelings.
Good luck to you.
Eucerin Lotion is what I have used on my son. It's really good. Don't bathe her everyday either. Baby cereal I think is around 4-6 months. With the binky, sometimes they just stop taking it on their own or you can just take it away before she's one. Sleep for a newborn is usually around 16-18 hours a day. That's because they eat, poop, then sleep and do it over again. My other advice, is event hough you are a first time mom trust your instincts and do what you feel is best for your baby. Only you really will know in the end what the best is. Congrats!
I used to use a bit of Johnson's baby lotion after each bath, even the sponge baths. My daughter is 3 1/2 yrs. now, and we still use it!
For cereal, most info. says to start it around 6 months.
For milk, give her what she wants. My daughter drank maybe 1-2 oz. in the beginning. I kept track on paper, the eating times and amounts, so you know what to expect.
Binky, get rid of it by age 2.
Cradle cap, rub on some baby oil and softly brush with a baby brush or comb. Just a little at a time, be sure not to irritate baby's head too much. And wash normal at bathtime.
Sleep, newborns ususally sleep all day, waking up to eat and be changed every 3 hrs. on average.
When should I start feeding her baby cereal?
Not until about 5-6 months.. as recommended by the AAP. Your pediatrician may think your baby is ready as soon as 4 months. There really isn't any hurry in starting solids.
Breastmilk/formula is all a baby needs for the first 6 months.
How much milk should I feed her now? (oz's)
A one month old eats about 2-3 oz. per feeding every 2-3 hours.
When should I give up her binky?
Binkies are a personal preference. My son never got into them because I had problems with his latch for the first 5 weeks of breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding and having trouble with her latch, you want to stay away from using one until this is corrected. Binkies can be given as early as birth.. they can also decrease the risk of SIDS.
How do i get rid of Cradle Cap?
There are medicated scalp treatments out there, but per my pediatrician, none of them really work. A comb and some baby oil worked best for us.. my son had cradle cap for about 6 months.
How much sleep should she have a day?
As much as she wants. Generally newborn babies should be getting 15-16 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. This will change when your baby gets older.
What kind of lotion?
The Johnson %26amp; Johnson's good baby smelling lotions that you probably got tons of at your shower, smell nice, but they contain Benzyl Alcohol and dry out your baby's skin. Try a perfume and alcohol free lotion (or cream) such as Aquafor or Cetaphil. Recommendations from my pedi, because my son has a small patch of Eczema. You don't need lotion at first.. and you can start using those J%26amp;J products after your daughter is a year old.
Congratulations on your new baby girl! You're going to have so much fun watching her grow. ;-)
EDIT.. Why I am getting thumbed down is beyond me..
You'll probably be taking her to your first pediatrician appointment soon or as she been already checked out and discharged from the hospital? If you are seeing a doctor soon, make a list and ask him or her. What I also found beneficial is the book called ';What to Expect the First Year';. It answered ALL of my question and goes step by step according to age. It sure saved a lot of uneccessary calls to the doc's office.
When should I start feeding her baby cereal?
not until she is 4-6 months old you need to discuss with her doctor before you start
How much milk should I feed her now? (oz's)
Every baby is different she should drink somewhere between 2-4 oz for every 2-3 hours
When should I give up her binky?
I gave up when my baby was 2 months old, i started diverting her from binky with new toys that has lights and makes sounds...it took almost 2-3 weeks to get rid of it completely...now even If I give her binky she plays with doesnt put in her mouth
How do i get rid of Cradle Cap?
No I donot know since my baby didnt get this
How much sleep should she have a day?
16-18 hours of sleep..if not she will be tired and become cranky
Try any unscented lotion that has gentle moisturizers in it. I don't think you need to worry about cereal right now, I started my son with cereal at 6 weeks, although you will get very many people in here telling you that you should wait until atleast 6 months. You need to base your decisions on the needs of your baby and what your baby can handle, not necessarily what all the books say. Trust me I get told this all the time as I too am a first time mom. When my son was that old he was only taking like a half an ounce at each feeding. You'll notice their appetites growing more and more what seems like each day. Your baby will give you cues when she's full, just like when she's hungry. I wouldn't worry about the binkie right now, if it's comforting to her let her have it. Let her sleep as much as she wants. I think they say that newborns should sleep at least 16-18 hours a day. Good luck, let your instincts guide you and don't worry, it does get easier and more routine.
your health visitor should be helping you - for chapped skin rapeseed or olive oil is brilliant. don't start solids until at least 4 months (digestive system is not formed until 17 weeks) - detinox shampoo is great for cradle cap - she should be sleeping for 16 hours per day and taking 4 ounces of milk every 4 hours (unless breastfeeding which should be done on demand - my son is 14 weeks old now
probably 2 oz. at the most. her skin is peeling, just put lotion after a bath. spongebathe, not in water yet. put baby oil in cradle cap for a few mintues, then wash hair. cereal with a spoon, never in a bottle, no sooner than 4 mos, depending on who you ask. don't worry about binky yet, if she wants it, ok. if not, ok.
don't forget to swaddle, little ones need it.
good luck.
Aquaphor is safe enough, its basically a softer version of petroleum jelly. It worked well with my son for the dry skin he got a lot on his forehead.
You will know when she is ready for cereal and other solids, you can tell. Please please please don't start them in a bottle though. If she's really ready, she'll be able to take it from a spoon, rather than you forcing her to swallow it through a nipple.
Can't answer the milk question, I breastfeed. That you just do on demand.
My son gave up his pacifier on his own, now he only takes it at night, and only to fall asleep, he'll then spit it out. I don't really think there's any set time, do what you think is best.
My son had mild cradle cap, what I did was put some baby oil on it before his bath, and then right before I washed his hair I would brush the flakies gently with a baby brush, then washed his hair, let the soap lie on there for a minute or so so it cuts the oil, and then I would wash it all out. Just watch baby's eyes, baby oil isn't tear free.
Newborns will sleep a LOT, it'll be a few months before they have a set nap schedule. Just let them sleep, and if you are tired, sleep with them as much as possible.
- The chapped skin on your baby is because before the baby was born, you must have had a slight temperature or you were overdue giving birth. This is completely normal. My daughter was 2 weeks late being born and red/chapped as all get out. I was told by 3 NICU nurses and 2 Pediatricians not to worry that it should heal overtime, but if I wanted to speed up the process to put some lotion onto her after her bath. This wasn't that difficult because by then she was already tuckered out.
I used the Aveeno baby, and Aloe Vera (it's naturally scented) to help relieve it. I liked using the Aloe Vera because it obviously comes from a plant, and I had some Aloe plants already around the house just in case I was worried about pesticides. However, I know that if you didn't put anything on it at all...there is no problem and should eventually heal over time.
- I started slowly introducing cereal and smalled things like pretzels when my daughter was about 5 months old. However, I did hand feed it to her several times before that. She now loves cereal and anything she can eat by herself...good luck trying to handfeed her anything, she hates it when I do that now.
- I personally fed my daughter whenever she was hungry. When she was done, she was done. Some mothers would say this is overfeeding, however my daughter is thin and healthy. I'd hafta say I gave my daughter about 5-6 8oz bottles at least a day. Usually your child knows when they are full, and won't want another drop.
- Cradle cap...ugh...worst thing ever. I used the Johnson's oil for a while, with a comb...however it left behind an oily residue that was impossible to get off. So, after about 4 months I would wash my daughter's hair and slowly run a comb through it. If some came off, good game, if some didn't...oh well. This is not really something you want to rush. If you rush this, it causes scabs to appear. I think even at one point the doctor tried to convince me that my daughter had some rare disease and put her on pills, which completely didn't do anything for the cradle cap. One bath a day, with a comb, should be all that you need.
- My daughter still carries her binky around with her. They are inseperable! She can't sleep without it. My daughter is going on 2 years old now. There are no KNOWN causes of SIDS. They have ';suggestions';, but it's called ';Sudden Infant Death'; symdrome for a reason...it's sudden, and they don't know what really caused it. As long as you are making sure to check on the baby while it sleeps, and make sure it's not being smothered by the binkie...there should be no problems.
That's if you don't believe me that there are no known causes of SIDS. I worried like crazy about it when my daughter was young, but after looking into the ';speculative'; causes of SIDS...I wasn't as worried as the doctors were trying to make me.
- My daughter during the first few months (until about 4 months) slept almost all day and almost all night. After a certain time, she slept less and less and now she sleeps (at almost 2 years) about 12 hours with an occassional nap.
- Each child is different, and each mother has their own personal preferences. You will most likely get a lot of different answers because we each think our child is special. As time goes on, ';google'; will be more and more of your friend. I personally found out that I was ';googling'; a lot more things involving my baby and asking my mom about a lot of things that I had no idea about before.
Relax! Most of this is just normal for a child, and you really shouldn't worry about anything until you see the first ';fever';. Also, projectile vomitting is always fun. lol. I personally didn't use any baby medication except children's Tylenol (a drop worked perfect) to get rid of the stuffiness. However, there was a news cast that said if you give your child too much they could go into a coma...so be wary of what you use/give your child. Do the research before randomly picking something up and saying its good to use.
Finding all this information out BEFORE she was born would have been helpful, don't ya think? Feed her what she will eat, you don't even need to worry about her binky now, feed her a baby spoon or two full of rice cereal before her night time bottle in a week or two and she will sleep better, put baby oil on the cradle cap, let her sleep til she wakes (never wake a sleeping baby). More advice... Use birth control so you don't have any more children til you are older and wiser!
Ok I feel I';m somewhat qualified to answer these. I am a fairly new mother. I have a 4 month old daughter.
I would put on Johnson's Baby lotion in the Pink Bottle. Or you can put on some vaseline- works great for the dryness!
You should feed your baby cereal when she is ready and when she will eat off a spoon- at around 3 months or later.
Don't force it, whatever you do! YOu should start giving her 2 ounces to start. Burp her after one ounce. As she gets older, increase the amount you give.
You should give up the binky when she is able to calm herself down without needing you. My baby just sucks on her thumb to do this.
Cradle cap can be washed away with some mild baby shampoo- I recommend Johnson's. Don't over wash your baby because it will dry their skin out. But don't submerge her in a tub until her umbilical cord falls off and heals.
She should sleep about 15 hours a day (some babies need more!) But they sleep less over time.
Any more advice? Well- sleep when you can, it's not all that bad. Don't leave her alone too often. Take care and Good luck!
OH AND THE BIG ONE! If she gets stuffy or a runny nose and congestion: DO NOT GIVE HER MEDICINE. Buy Vicks Baby Rub. IT works great. Also buy an aspirator to suck out the snot out of her nose (sounds gross, but necessary because babies cannot blow their nose) Also buy Saline Nose drops to loosen congestion. Congestion is much worse in winter around heat. Good luck!
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