Saturday, August 21, 2010

New mother parenting advice?

I am a new mother to a three year old any advice to raise a kid?New mother parenting advice?
Honestly, the first thing that caught my attention when I read this posted question is the fact that you referred to your child as ';a kid';. Somehow, to me, it has a negative connotation--besides being the name for a baby goat. I like to remind myself that ';my kids'; are ';precious children'; that need my love, guidance and protection, and I am so fortunate to have them. Do the same for your child and you will be rewarded.New mother parenting advice?
There are numerous books at a site called which will help you.

Thanks, RR
Consistency, patience, boundaries, firm morals and beliefs. Of course love, understanding, and warmth.
Learn as much as possible about what is normal for a 3 year old. There is great stuff on the internet and in the library. When the child misbehaves, you will know that ';kids will be kids';, won't get as upset, won't expect perfection, and will have some ideas on what to do.

Always show them what they CAN do in addition to what they cannot...

Take care of YOURSELF with great breaks, loving care substitutes. You will be a better Mom when you pay attention to your own needs, too.

Best wishes from a grandma-aged person
Shannon got it. Don't forget to say I love you, all the time

My five year old reminds me to say it, when i am mad at him
love him, be very patient and willing to have fun with him, take a parenting class they help...alot, especially if you aren't being eased into this but poof heres your kid, which is what it sounds like. There is often free ones if you talk to the people at the court house.
Be loving, consistent, and firm. Get involved in a solid church community that will give you support and encouragement.
Keep a Routine , Consistency, Patience, Love, Understanding, Trusting. Good luck!!
always think back to when your a child and how you parents raised you!
Love consistency mean what you say tolerance praise and patience.
Lots of attention and love!!!

Daily activities such as going to the park and helping you do choirs will keep his/her life rich and educational! =] Good luck
Yeah, don't listen to others. Go with your own instinct. I'm telling you, I got so much advice from others, and it did nothing but confuse me. I do things the way I want too now, and things run a lot smoother in my house. I have a 2 and an 8month old. Things get a little hectic. Trust yourself, and the father if he is there. Other people don't know what's best for you and your children.

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